Short talk: Inclusive instruction in cancer data science: Authoring and deployment with yes4cure

Inclusive instruction in cancer data science: Authoring and deployment with yes4cure

Alexandru Mahmoud,Brittany Michel,Latrice G Landry,Karen Burns White,Vincent James Carey Channing Division of Network Medicine, Mass General Brigham, Harvard Medical School

Abstract is a Galaxy deployment produced for the YoungEmpowered Scientists component of the Harvard/ Dana-Farber ContinUing Research Experience (YES for CURE) program. YES for CURE presents a variety of educational and research opportunities for high school and undergraduate students from underrepresented populations.  yes4cure provides a scalable environment for delivering jupyter notebooks or Rstudio sessions for hands-on teaching and learning. In this talk we explore values of Bioconductor packages, data and annotation resources, and methods of authoring documentation, applied to the production of inclusive teaching materials in cancer data science. Course materials (currently under development) are at, and will be used in the Summer 2022 YES program.  The curriculum includes modules and exercises related to rate estimation, maps and geoepidemiology, mutations and survival analysis, and clinical trials. We will discuss the assembly and presentation of cancer data science resources with yes4cure, and will discuss some metrics of educational success collected in this first deployment. This work is supported in part by the Chan-Zuckerberg Initiative Essential Open Source Software Diversity and Inclusiveness program, and by NIH NHGRI.